Bridging the divide between science and religion

The Bridge Between Science And Religion

The Bridge Between Science And Religion

Scientific tools cannot measure or detect the existence of souls, but could atheists argue by that same logic that consciousness too does not exist? Could arguments be made that because we cannot see our thoughts, that thoughts too mustn't exist? These arguments for the absence of God often fall into classic contradictions of thought and logic. When conducting simple thought experiments, skeptics argue that a God couldn't be all-powerful if he could make a boulder that he couldn't move, but simply throwing word games at the question of God is far too small-minded to even begin to challenge God's existence. Famous atheist comedian Ricky Gervais revels in his atheism and perceived ability to disprove God, with one of his arguments being how many gods used to be worshipped in ancient times. However, just because ancient people believed in multiple versions does not mean that a divine source or singularity cannot exist. 

With the unveiling of the decades-in-the-making James Webb Space Telescope, science is on the cusp of proving the existence of life, or even intelligent life, on other worlds, a probability which increased exponentially once it was discovered that there are millions of Earth-like exoplanets that could host life. This new understanding of our universe is practically brain-breaking, and it literally tests the limits of human comprehension, yet the notion that there exists a higher power is still somehow out of reach for some people. 

DMT - The Spirit Molecule

“How then,” some may ask, “can religion and science coexist?” These two practices can exist in the same way that the duality of spirituality and science coincide as it pertains to DMT, which is widely regarded as “the spirit molecule” in the scientific and psychedelic community. 

DMT and Near-Death Experiences

How does Dimethyltryptamine open the doorway to the spirit world? For one, it exists in all living things. For humans, it is naturally secreted in a small almond-shaped gland behind the forehead in the brain. This gland is called the Pineal Gland. It secretes this molecule in small amounts while asleep and dreaming, but it has the ability to flood the human brain during near-death experiences and while a person is actually dying and experiencing brain death. Why do people who are clinically declared dead, sometimes for hours on end, defy the laws of science and miraculously come back to the world of the living and afterwards report seeing the other side the veil?

Spiritual Awakenings

Skeptics may argue it is a chemical sensation that is merely just that. They may argue that this is the product of an individual's social upbringing. The fact that whomever has a near-death experience is in fact a religious person could be the reason that their DMT experience is a form of confirmation bias, causing them to believe foolhardily that God does actually exist. The arguments that are made by skeptics though do not consider those who have divine experiences who previously didn't believe in God or considered themselves atheists. When watching or listening to programs of those who were non-believers and had a near-death experience, they either report a magical and mystical visitation, or the fear, guilt, and pain of living an unfulfilled life or life of sin. 

Jesus Will Save You

These eye-opening, spiritual re-awakenings could be God reaching out to those who have closed themselves off, or they could be directly related to openness to God and the spirit world. Regardless, the spiritual experiences related to DMT are overwhelmingly positive, with people reporting an immense sense of ecstasy and feelings of love. Those who have visitations also reportedly feel the presence of loved ones who have passed away earlier in life. Are these visitations a glimpse into heaven or the spirit world? Either way, there is more evidence than not that there is a God and that our spirits live on. On the contrary, the arguments to disprove the existence of a divine source have only proven themselves to be weak and logically inconsistent. God does exist. Praise the Lord, for the Lord is good and works in mysterious ways. In His name we pray. Amen. 


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