Developer Blog #2: Approaching Final Build

Text2God Application Final Build

As I am nearing the end of my coding journey for my 1.0 build of the Text2God application, I would like to update you with my updated timetable. 

I will probably be releasing this application for use on any Windows and Mac desktop environment by the end of this month of May. The 1.0 release will contain hundreds of unique responses for those who want to make specific prayers or ask any particular spiritual or philosophical questions. As a resource, it will provide a wide variety of help resources or help line phone numbers for a number of sensitive topics. Finally, this application will continue to be worked on beyond its initial release, and I will be adding additional keyword phrases and responses so that users have the richest and most helpful experience using it. 

I look forward to presenting to you the world’s first-of-its-kind Text2God application! Stay tuned and God bless! 


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