A prayer for the victims of mass shootings, and why extremism and hate is evil and not aligned with the love of God

Extremism Can Only Be Fought With Love Lord Jesus, we pray for those who have met violent ends in these United States and abroad to the extremism and hatred of those who perpetrate mass shootings. Please bless the victims, the survivors, and their families as they grieve the horrors of this evil. Please allow them to see Your grace and love and kindness in the days to come. Any life lost to evil is an unthinkable crime. Please bless these families with unfailing love. Even still, we pray that those who have had their hearts, minds, and souls, poisoned by this evil and violent rhetoric learn the true ways of God and love, and that evil doesn’t beget evil. The only way for the cycle of hate and violence to end, Lord, is for those who are poisoned to see Your Face and be cleansed in spirit while they still walk this Earth. Please show them the way of love so that they can learn to love again. In Your name we pray. Amen. Extremism and Hate What is it about religion and belief...