Pray to help others and God will give you strength
God Can Work Through You, And Helping Others Helps You Time for a little story. I’m not really a superstitious person but I feel like my actions were a message to the universe and God that I want to help people in a more meaningful way, which partially led to my selection with my new employer. About 3 weeks ago I was doing one of my string of 5 different routes in my career position at the USPS. I work in downtown Waterbury mostly. I have come across people who are living well and people who are struggling in this city. On Bank street there is a homeless man I’ve come to know who’s always on the same street corner. A very nice and courteous guy. I always said hi to him. He looks young, maybe in his 40s and has an apparent back problem as he’s always hunched over, but he has a walker. One day 3 weeks ago it was an extremely cold day of arctic air that was blowing through New England. The wind was whipping and if it caught you in the face it was the type of air that could gi...
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